Vision Shocker!
Landmark Harvard Study Confirms it!

2 Mega-Powerful Eye-Nourishing Nutrients Slash Age-Related Macular Degeneration by a Whopping 82%!

Dear friend,

Wait till you SEE what these amazing nutrients can do for you...

If you suffer from:

  • Poor night vision
  • Cloudy, blurry eyesight
  • Eye strain

...Or have to wear annoying reading glasses just to SEE a menu at your favorite restaurant...

...then what you're about to discover will seem like a GODSEND!

That’s because new research released from the prestigious Harvard Medical School of Ophthalmology reveals you can keep your eyes young and healthy as you get older!

My name is Jesse Cannone - and I’m Co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute® - America's trusted source for cutting-edge natural health solutions. And I can tell you this:

PLEASE don’t believe the HYPE that old age means living with poor vision.

That's just BALONEY --- especially since it's now medically and scientifically proven that you can maintain your sharp, clear vision well into your 90s and beyond!

And it doesn’t have to cost you an arm or a leg...

...and it starts to work IMMEDIATELY – yes SEE it for yourself!

...and you're going to be thrilled with your results – GUARANTEED!

Before I tell you about this revolutionary eye-nourishing remedy that supports sharper eyesight... protects your night vision... and defends against eye strain – starting in less than 30 days – let me also tell you this...

So what is this amazing eye-nourishing remedy that can help keep your eyes healthy and young
well into your
70s... 80s... 90s... and beyond?

It's called The Eye Health Essentials® Kit and the ingredients are proven and recommended by scores of medical doctors... physicians... and even prestigious journals and medical schools – including Harvard!

I'll be completely honest with you. The Eye Health Essentials® Kit is the most comprehensive eye health program you will find to help you safely and easily support healthy eyesight... promote sharper vision... protect your night vision... and more... starting in as little as 30 days.

Formulated using cutting-edge research and clinical studies in eye health, this total vision-saving program was specifically developed to help you experience clear vision no matter how old you are!

It's a 90-day program consisting of small easy-to-swallow capsules and a 30 minute progressive relaxation audio CD designed to help relax your overworked, tired eyes.

Here's how it works...

Part A: Eye Health Essentials® Gives You 13 Clinically-Backed Nutrients At the Maximum Dose Required – in One Easy-to-Take Formula!

Eye Health Essentials® is a potent vision-nourishing supplement that works by feeding your eyes the nutrients they need for genuine eye health and vision support.

Thanks to the latest groundbreaking clinical research, scientists have now discovered that you need a combination of 13 powerful nutrients to help nourish your eyes, so you can...

No matter what your vision concerns are, it is now possible to support clear, healthy eyesight for years to come.


With the most effective, all-natural solution to eye problems ever developed. In fact, the 13 vision-saving nutrients revealed in this letter have been clinically-proven to help promote healthy vision by activating multiple mechanisms to support the health of your eyes.

So, if you're interested in guarding your vision this could be the most important letter you read in your entire life...

Support youthful, clear vision as you age

Support healthy night vision – and feel at ease behind the wheel

Shield your eyes from harmful UV rays – nature's “internal sunglasses” block eye-killing sunlight

Block dangerous blue light from getting into your eyes

Guard your macule from free-radical damage – and protect the area of your retina that helps you read fine print

Support healthy blood flow and optimal visual health and keep capillaries in your eyes - supple and full of elasticity

The great news is, in every serving of Eye Health Essentials®, you get ALL 13 clinically-backed nutrients... at the maximum dose you need to strengthen your vision starting in as little as 30 days!

Lutein and Zeaxanthin– a remarkable eye-health dynamic duo! Recent studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition prove these potent sight-nourishing nutrients can help protect your eyes from harmful UV rays... guard against dangerous free radicals... and boost healthy circulation in your eyes...

In addition, a recent double-blind, placebo-controlled B.L.U.E. study, (an acronym for Blue Light User Exposure) demonstrated that both lutein and zeaxanthin can protect against a growing issue in all age groups -- the negative effects of increased exposure to high-energy blue light which is emitted from digital screens such as cellphones, tablets, and smartphones. People who took lutein and zeaxanthin experienced significant improvement in their sleep quality, visual performance and reduction of headaches, eye strain and eye fatigue.1

This is a huge breakthrough since many of us spend more time staring into digital screens than sleeping.

The truth is: Eye Health Essentials® would be worth its weight in gold if it contained only lutein and zeaxanthin. But you get more – MUCH more.

Did you know... Nearly HALF of all fatal car crashes in the United States occur at night?

It's absolutely true. According to recent research published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, across the nation an alarming 49% of fatal crashes happen at night.2

The reason for such a high accident rate?

It's simple. Humans just don’t have the ability to see well in the dark. And as we get older, it’s extremely important to preserve night vision. Otherwise, it creates a host of potentially fatal problems...

For example, did you know that accidental falls are the number one cause of serious injury in older people? According to the journal American Family Physician, a whopping 70% of accidental deaths are the result of falls.3 Most times, poor lighting or complete darkness is the culprit. And that's also the reason why most folks over 40 find it difficult – or even impossible -- to drive at night.

But fortunately, researchers and medical scientists have recently discovered a cutting-edge nutrient that not only promotes healthy vision – but also helps support the molecules in your eyes that help you see in the dark.

The name of this breakthrough nutrient?

It's called cyanidin-3-glucoside or C3G for short. And you can find the highest concentration of C3G in berries native to Europe called black currants.

Recent clinical research published in Alternative Medicine Review studied the effects of C3G on a group of healthy volunteers – and the results were nothing short of amazing.

In this double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study, the group of older folks taking 50 mg of black currants adapted better to darker lighting conditions after just 30 minutes.5

That's pretty phenomenal don't you think? That's why we've included a full 50 mg of black currant fruit extract - the same dose used in the scientific study - so you can experience results in the FASTEST time possible.

But black currants aren’t the only night vision-protecting ingredient you get in this nutrient-rich formula...

Now You Can Drive at Night Without Fear – Thanks
To This British Royal Air Force Discovery!

Eye Health Essentials® contains the highest-quality clinically-researched nutrients for night vision that you’ll find anywhere!

That's why, in every serving of Eye Health Essentials®, you get a full dose of the highest quality...

Bilberry Fruit Extract and Vitamin A – nature's sight-nourishing “dynamic duo” helps your eyes rapidly adjust to darkness – and protects your eyes from nighttime vision problems!

Did you know that during World War II, the British army gave fighter pilots bilberry as part of their daily food rations?

It's true! And here's why: The British Royal Air Force believed consuming bilberry helped pilots enhance their night vision – and increase their advantage over the enemy during bombing missions. And recent scientific studies prove it still works today, too!

One of the first signs of vitamin A deficiency is trouble seeing at night. In ancient Egypt, it was discovered that night time vision problems could be addressed by eating liver – a rich source of vitamin A!

There's no doubt about it - bilberry and vitamin A give you powerful protection against poor night vision. In every serving of Eye Health Essentials® you get the highest-quality nutrients... in the exact dosage required to keep your vision SHARP so you can drive at night with confidence once again!

Leading Medical Journals Report: These 3 Powerful Vitamins Are Critical For Total Eye Health

For even greater vision support – we added three more scientifically proven essential vitamins in Eye Health Essentials® to maintain and protect your vision – day and night – against a host of eye problems common in folks over 40.

In every serving, you get a potent dose of...

Vitamin C – to keep your macula healthy – and fight off cataracts!

Here's proof: a large study of older women in Boston, Massachusetts revealed that 80% of cataracts can be prevented simply by getting 1000 milligrams of vitamin C every day... either by eating certain foods or taking a supplement... over a period of 10 years.6

What's more, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that taking Vitamin C can reduce your risk of cataracts by up to 75%!

Vitamin E– to protect delicate eye tissue, support healthy blood flow to the capillaries of your eyes, and defend against cloudy, blurry vision. In one study published by the American Journal of Public Health, 50 patients were given a combination of bilberry extract and vitamin E. And the results were almost beyond belief! A whopping 97% of the patients experienced positive results.

Riboflavin (also called Vitamin B2)– for the ultimate relief from occasional dry... itchy... watery... tired... bloodshot eyes!

Research shows you need 6 additional targeted nutrients for total eye health protection

In addition to the 7 powerful vision nutrients named above, medical scientists have proven... beyond a shadow of a doubt... that your eyes need an additional 6 essential nutrients to promote healthy eyesight.

These stellar nutrients include:

  • Zinc – to help you focus and read fine print (even in dim light)

  • Copper – to keep the lenses of your eyes clear

  • Selenium – to help protect your eyes against free radical damage. Also helps with visual acuity (visual sharpness)

  • Astaxanthin – to keep blood vessels – even the smallest capillaries in your eyes –supple and full of elasticity

  • Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) – Supports retinal health, macular density and healthy aging of the eyes. Plus, studies suggest ALA is especially vision-friendly in patients with blood sugar concerns

  • Grape seed extract – to ease tired, fatigued and strained eyes. Also a powerful free radical fighter which can protect cells in the retina that allow you to distinguish colors and see in low-light conditions.

That's why you need to begin using Eye Health Essentials® today. This potent formula is the only eye health supplement that nourishes every part of your eyes – so you can keep your vision as STRONG as possible – and help prevent future problems.

Only Eye Health Essentials® contains ALL 13 nutrients in clinically supported dosages for optimal vision care. So if you fear age-related vision loss...or poor night vision...or if you’re tired of being so reliant on your reading glasses just to read a food menu, you’ll need to keep giving corneas, retinas, and pupils the nutrients they need to stay young and healthy.

Now onto the second part of this comprehensive eye health program...

Part B: Ease for Your Eyes Audio CD -- Now You Can Improve Your Focus... Eliminate Eye Strain... and Ease Eye Fatigue... in Just 30 Minutes a Day

As you've just seen, it’s now easier than ever to give your eyes the crucial nutrients you need for genuine eye health and vision support – thanks to Eye Health Essentials®. But the truth is, you won’t experience any changes in your eyesight... UNTIL... you help your eyes relax.

You see, each part of your eye – your lens, retina, iris, cornea, optic nerve, eyelid and even your tear ducts – is under constant stress. Every day, your delicate eyes are bombarded with harmful UV light... dangerous free radicals... and a host of environmental pollutants like auto exhaust, dust, pollen and more.

And that's why I’m so excited to introduce you to a BRAND-NEW way to revitalize and de-stress your eyes so they can function at their very best!

It's called Ease for Your Eyes – and it's your step-by-step beginner’s guide to improving your eyesight through the process of visualization. Visualization is a very powerful mind technique that works by imagining a future event... and... picturing your perfect outcome.

For example, an athlete uses visualization to practice his sport over and over again in his mind. He keeps rehearsing it until every move is perfect... and he clearly sees himself winning the game.

By the time the athlete gets to the live event – he’s already won the game many times in his mind with perfectly practiced... and precise... moves.

Visualization works the same way to help improve your vision. And that’s why the Ease for Your Eyes program was created.

This powerful 30 minute audio CD is your step-by-step guide to help you imagine and see the world with crystal clear vision.

You'll discover how to visualize yourself seeing everything clearly... having sharp nearsighted and farsighted vision. You’ll take a journey in your mind... and practice your good vision habits... and experience the feeling of perfect vision.

And there's more! You'll also discover how to use positive affirmation statements triggering your subconscious mind to take positive action.

Your subconscious mind accepts what you keep saying as the truth.

Your subconscious mind accepts as truth what you keep saying.

So why not choose positive statements to get positive results? Ease for Your Eyes will help you choose short powerful affirmations... use positive words to describe the changes you want to experience in your eyesight... and relax any physical, emotional or mental tension.

By using the art of visualization and powerful affirmations, you have the ability to…
  • Ease painful headaches after long hours of computer use...
  • Relieve tense muscles in your neck, back and shoulders...
  • Eliminate migraine headaches...
  • Improve your eye’s ability to focus on near and far objects...
  • Boost your mental focus and concentration...
  • Experience complete mind and body relaxation...
  • And much more!

In fact, you'll uncover techniques that you can start practicing immediately. And the program concludes with your entire body in a state of relaxation. You can listen as you fall asleep... or during the day for a relaxing break.

And that's why the Ease for Your Eyes program and the Eye Health Essentials® formula is the perfect combination when used together, you'll nourish your eyes and relax the overworked muscles in your eyes (and your body)... so you can experience healthy vision for years to come.

But, Do I Really Need the Eye Health Essentials® Kit?

If you suffer from...

  • Occasional dry, irritated eyes
  • Red eyes
  • Itchy eyes
  • Light sensitivity
  • Eye strain
  • Eye twitches
  • And more...

...then The Eye Health Essentials® Kit can help! You don't just have to accept your poor eyesight as a fact of getting older any longer.

Click Here to reserve your introductory kit at the absolute LOWEST PRICE available!

"My Vision Improved Noticeably"
Barry Illert

“I recently started using Eye Health Essentials. After one day my vision improved noticeably. When I went to see my eye doctor for my regular vision checkup they said my overall eye health was brilliant for a 72-year old. The biggest surprise was after my eye test it was proven my sight had markedly improved compared to my last prescription glasses. I needed around 10% less correction in the right eye and 17% less correction in the left eye. Thank you for all your wonderful products!”

-- Barry Illert
Adelaide, South Australia

Disclaimer: This is a real success story from an actual customer. Your individual results may vary..

How Will I Know The Eye Health Essentials® Kit is Working for Me? You'll actually SEE the difference...

The Eye Health Essentials® Kit is designed to protect your eyesight and support your vision... starting immediately! However, you'll experience the most dramatic results after using the program for a full 90 days or more.

Here's what you can expect as you begin the comprehensive 90-Day Program...

  • Within a week... As you begin taking the Eye Health Essentials® formula, all 13 powerful nutrients immediately go to work and begin feeding your eyes the critical nutrients you need for healthy eyesight. And as you start to relax your eyes daily with the Ease for Your Eyes audio program, you’ll see that you can watch TV, work on your computer for hours at a time, or read your email on your smartphone... without undue eye strain. And you may find that you can make it through the entire day without wearing out your eyes.

  • Within a month... you'll notice that your focus is clearer... and sensitivity to sunlight is GONE! You may even begin to notice the small print in newspapers... books... and menus becomes easier to read – even in dim light.

  • Within 3 months... You may find that your eyes adjust from darkness to light quicker and you can see clearer at night. But please don’t stop taking the Eye Health Essentials® formula now. There are many more benefits to come...

  • Within 6 months or more... you'll visit the eye doctor only to discover that you DON’T need another new prescription. As you continue to feed your eyes the 13 clinically-proven nutrients in Eye Health Essentials® every day, you’ll support every cell in your eyes... fight off free radical damage... and promote healthy vision.

The vision-nourishing nutrients in Eye Health Essentials® combined with the progressive relaxation techniques in Ease for Your Eyes are guaranteed to help maintain your vision and keep your eyes healthy as you age! Click here to try The Eye Health Essentials® Kit 100% RISK-FREE for 90 Days!

No Other Vision Program Can Offer You
These Kinds of Benefits...

The ingredients in Eye Health Essentials® are clinically proven to work. They’ve been rigorously tested by top research facilities – including the prestigious Harvard Medical School. And when combined with the relaxation techniques outlined in Ease for Your Eyes, you’ll be able to:

  • Keep reading the small print in magazines… menus… and books (even in dim light) by supplying your eyes with the nutrients they need
  • Thread a needle... sew a button on your favorite blouse... or even dive into your favorite crossword puzzles with ease for years to come
  • Feel comfortable behind the wheel – attend dinner parties... movies... and concerts without fear of driving in the dark
  • Maintain your focus– watch TV... send emails... work on the computer – without squinting or worrying about vision issues
  • Relax your mind and body– and revitalize and de-stress your tired, overworked eyes!
  • Retain the same near-perfect vision you had in your 20s and 30s.
  • And more - MUCH more.

That's why I’d love to send you The Eye Health Essentials® Kit – so you can experience your own personal vision success in your life – starting today!

And guess what? I'm making it as easy (and cheap!) as humanly possible for you to try this amazing breakthrough in vision care in your own home today...

Now, You Can Try The Eye Health Essentials® Kit – 100% RISK-FREE – During This Special LIMITED TIME Introductory Offer!

The Eye Health Essentials® Kit is NOT available in your local health food store... drugstore... or even on Amazon. But the results from using this amazing 90-day program are so remarkable, I've arranged for you to try it at the ABSOLUTE LOWEST PRICE during this special introductory offer.

For a limited time you’ll receive...

The Eye Health Essentials® Kit: A full three-month supply of Eye Health Essentials® for only $134.95. Plus you’ll receive Ease for Your Eyes – a $39.95 value – FREE with your kit.

  • A 90-day supply (180 capsules) of Eye Health Essentials® – backed by a 100% MONEY-BACK Guarantee! (less shipping and handling)

  • Plus, when you order today I’ll send you these Two BONUS gifts – absolutely FREE...

  • 1. BONUS Pinhole Glasses – a $19.95 value – yours FREE when your order The Eye Health Essentials® Kit today!

  • 2. BONUS 60 minute audio interview, Secrets to Better Vision, with certified natural vision teacher and coach Greg Marsh - not available anywhere else online (a $49.95 value) – ABSOLUTELY FREE when you order today!

The Eye Health Essentials® Kit 90-Day Vision Support Program:

  • Cost of 90-Day Eye Health Essentials® Kit during special LIMITED TIME introductory period: $134.95.

  • Cost of all 13 clinically-researched ingredients (if purchased separately): $219.64 PER MONTH!

Plus you get:

  • Ease for Your Eyes 30 minute audio program – a $39.95 value – yours ABSOLUTELY FREE!

  • BONUS Pinhole Glasses – a $19.95 value – yours FREE when your order The Eye Health Essentials® Kit within the next 24 hours.

  • BONUS 60 minute audio interview, Secrets to Better Vision, with certified natural vision teacher and coach Greg Marsh (a $49.95 value) - ABSOLUTELY FREE when you order within the next 24 hours!

That's $109.85 in FREE BONUS GIFTS when you reserve your Eye Health Essentials® Kit right now!

Bonus Gift #1: Pinhole Glasses – a $19.95 value – yours FREE when you order The Eye Health Essentials® Kit

NO Prescription Required

Pinhole glasses are designed to strengthen your eye muscles and help you focus more clearly. These unique glasses offer you a comfortable way to see – without the use of prescription glasses. They look just like sunglasses but each lens contains about 100 tiny holes – allowing you to see clearly while the glasses help filter out excess light so your eyes can relax.

And the best part? They're FREE when you order The Eye Health Essentials® Kit today!

Bonus Gift #2: Secrets to Better Vision: 60 minute interview with certified natural vision teacher and coach – Greg Marsh, CNVT, CCHt.

In this eye-opening 60 minute interview, natural vision teacher and coach Greg Marsh explores the relaxation principles originally discovered by Dr. William H. Bates – a pioneer in Natural Vision Improvement.

Greg explains just how easy it is to use the techniques of the Bates Method to physically reduce the tension in your eyes... rediscover natural clarity... and maintain healthy vision throughout your lifetime.

And you won't pay a SINGLE CENT to get instant access to this interview – only available right here – when you reserve your Eye Health Essentials® Kit today.

SEE the Difference
The Eye Health Essentials® Kit
Will Make in Your Vision ...or Else...
You Don't Pay A SINGLE DIME!

I'm absolutely convinced The Eye Health Essentials® Kit is just the health miracle you’ve been praying for! And I want you to be 100% convinced that this amazing program will work for you – without risking a single DIME...

So here's my unconditional promise to you:

Give the Eye Health Essentials® Kit a try for a full 90 days 100% RISK-FREE. I want you to experience and SEE for yourself all the vision-nourishing benefits this product has to offer.

If you're not completely convinced during that 90-day period – simply return the unused bottles and you’ll get a complete refund of the purchase price (less shipping and handling).

Plus, your bonus gifts are yours to keep whether or not you decide to keep the Eye Health Essentials® Program.

Remember: If at any time during the 90-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE period you are not satisfied with your results just return the unused bottles and I’ll personally see to it that you receive a PROMPT refund of the purchase price, less shipping and handling.

But I'm certain that won't happen. I truly believe that if you just give this product a fair try for at least 30 days – there’s no way on earth you'll want to send it back. Why? Because you'll be absolutely delighted with your vision. And you'll look back on this experience as the best decision you've ever made for your eye health.

I can't think of a better way to get this product in your hands TODAY – so you can start protecting your precious eyesight right away.

So, What Have You Got to Lose?
You Won't RISK A DIME on this LIMITED-TIME Offer!

My friend, this is absolutely the EASIEST decision you can make today. So please... do yourself a favor. Try the Eye Health Essentials® Kit for 90 days and see if it helps improve your eye health. I’m 100% certain you'll love the benefits you receive from this product. If I'm wrong, you won't pay a dime – less shipping and handling fees. You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose – only a brighter, clearer future to gain for years to come!

When You Reserve Your Eye Health Essentials® Kit Today You'll Receive...

6 Bottle BLOWOUT Bargain...
Save an Incredible 65% Today!
6 Bottles For Just $299.70 $104 with FREE Shipping
Eye Health Essentials is normally $49.95 per bottle, but just $17.33 per bottle when you order 6 bottles today! (That's a 6-month supply, an ideal amount of time for dramatic vision improvement!)
(You'll save $195.70 off the regular $299.70 price!!!)
BONUS #1 - Pinhole Glasses - $19.95 value – Yours FREE when you order today!
BONUS #2 - Secrets to Better Vision 60 Minute CD interview with Greg Marsh, CNVT- a $49.95 value
BONUS #3 - Ease Your Eyes 30 Minute CD - a $39.95 value – Eliminate eye strain... and Ease Eye Fatigue – Yours FREE when you order today!
65% OFF - Get 6 Bottles - $104 with FREE Shipping
Eye Health Essentials®
3 Bottles For Just $69.95
Get Eye Health Essentials for just $23.32 per bottle when you order 3 bottles today (a 3-month supply)...
(You'll save $79.90 off the regular $149.85 price!)
BONUS #1 - Pinhole Glasses - $19.95 value – Yours FREE when you order today!
BONUS #2 - Secrets to Better Vision 60 Minute CD interview with Greg Marsh, CNVT- a $49.95 value
BONUS #3 - Ease Your Eyes 30 Minute CD - a $39.95 value – Eliminate eye strain... and Ease Eye Fatigue – Yours FREE when you order today
53% OFF - Get 3 Bottles - $69.95 + Shipping
Try 1 Bottle at Half-Price
Buy 1 Single Bottle For Just $49.95 $24.95
Want to first "dip your toe in" to see how well Eye Health Essentials can help your vision in just a month? Then try this half-price option today!
(You'll save $25 off the regular $49.95 price!!!)
50% OFF - Get 1 Bottle - $24.95 + Shipping
Call us Toll-free at
Outside US: call
Security Verified Seal HONESTe Online Member Seal Click to verify - Before you buy! ANA The Healthy Back Institute BBB Business Review

Yours for decades of healthy vision,

Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS. MFT
CEO & Co-Founder, Healthy Back Institute ®

P.S. Please don't settle for anything less than the best! The Eye Health Essentials® Kit is the only comprehensive eye program that contains a powerful supplement with 13 clinically researched nutrients you need for healthy vision. Plus, you get Ease for Your Eyes – the 30 minute BONUS relaxation audio program that’s guaranteed to help eliminate eye strain... eye fatigue... and headaches INSTANTLY! And don’t forget, when you order within the next 24 hours you get the Pinhole glasses... and... the bonus 60 minute audio interview with Greg Marsh ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Click Here to reserve the Eye Health Essentials® Kit in your name today!

P.P.S. YOU DON'T PAY A PENNY UNLESS YOU’RE 100% SATISFIED: Please remember, you can try the Eye Health Essentials® Kit RISK FREE for 90 days. If after 90 days you are not delighted with the benefits you've received (which is highly unlikely) just return the unused bottles – and you'll receive a refund of the purchase price, minus shipping and handling. Plus, your FREE BONUS gifts are yours to keep no matter what you decide.

Still Have Questions?
Eye Health Essentials® Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How Many capsules of Eye Essentials should I take daily?
The suggested dose for Eye Essentials is 2 capsules per day. There is no need to exceed that daily dose.
Q: How many capsules are in each bottle
A:Each bottle of Eye Essentials contains 60 capsules. Each bottle contains a one month supply.
Q: When is the best time to take Eye Essentials?
A: The best time to take Eye Essentials is first thing in the morning.
Q: Should I take Eye Essentials with food?
A:Eye Essentials can be taken with or without food.
Q: Is Eye Essentials a vegetarian supplement?
A:Yes, Eye Essentials is 100% natural and contains NO animal derivatives. *
Q: How long should I use Eye Essentials?
A: Eye Essentials is formulated for long term use, in order to support the eyes and visual acuity as you age. Add Eye Essentials to your daily supplement regimen for best results.
Q: Can I take Eye Essentials with my other medications?
A: Individuals taking any medication should consult a physician prior to taking Eye Essentials. It is recommended that you wait at least 60 minutes after taking Eye Essentials before taking any medications.
Q: Who should not take Eye Essentials?
A:*As with all dietary supplements, those who are pregnant or nursing should consult their physician. *Do not take this product if you know or suspect that you are allergic to any ingredients. *This product is not intended for individuals under the age of 18. *Persons who suffer from medical conditions or who are taking medications should consult their physician prior to taking this product.
Q: Is Eye Essentials Gluten Free, Soy Free, Yeast Free and Nut Free?
A:Yes, Eye Essentials is Gluten Free, Soy Free, Yeast Free, and Nut Free.
Q: I cannot swallow capsules. Can the capsule be opened up and the content put into apple sauce or other foods?
A:Yes, You can open the capsule and mix with apple sauce or any food you like.
Q: Do I really need to drink 8oz of water with Eye Essentials?
A:Yes in fact, it is the most important aspect of taking any supplement. We suggest that you take Eye Essentials with 8 oz of water and then 15 minutes later, drink an additional 8oz of water. This ensures the ingredients are flushed into your small intestine for absorption.
Q: I already take a multivitamin everyday. Do I still need to take Eye Essentials?
A: Yes! Eye Essentials is especially formulated to supplement a good multivitamin program. With every serving you get 13 clinically-backed nutrients you need to protect and restore your vision – without overdosing on the ingredients you’re already getting from your multivitamin.
Q: Can I get all the nutrients I need for healthy vision from my diet?
A:Yes, but only if you eat foods like liver...spinach... brussel sprouts and turnip greens every day NON-STOP. Eye Essentials is the fastest, and easiest way to give your eyes the nutrients they need to restore healthy vision
Q: I'm in my 70's and I'm concerned about my vision. Is it too late to start taking Eye Essentials?
A:Not at all! It’s never too late to protect the vision you have – and even improve your eyesight. To help keep your vision as strong as possible, and help prevent future problems.
Q: Why can't I purchase Eye Essentials at my local health food store?
A:In fact, next time you're in a vitamin store, take a look at the popular vitamin supplements. You’ll find that NONE of them contain all 13 powerful nutrients clinical studies show your eyes need to maintain sharp, clear vision as you get older. And when they do contain some of these nutrients, the dosage amounts are so tiny, it’s almost pointless to include them! That’s why you’ll only find Eye Essentials right here at It's the only way to ensure you get the maximum dosages of all 13 nutrients... at the LOWEST price available.
Persons who suffer from medical conditions or who are taking medications should consult their physician prior to taking this product. This product may not be appropriate for all persons. Do not take this product if you know or suspect that you are allergic to any ingredients in this product. As with all dietary supplements, those who are pregnant or nursing should consult their physician prior to taking this product.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


1 Foods 2017 Jun 29;6(7):47. doi: 10.3390/foods6070047
3 /2000/0401/p2159.html
4 Alt Med Rev. 2000 Dec;5(6):553-62.
5 Nakaishi H, Matsumoto H, Tominaga S, Hirayama M. Effects of black currants anthocyanoside intake on dark adaptation and VDT work-induced transient refractive alteration in healthy humans. Alt Med Rev. 2000 Dec;5(6):553-62.